The Best Holiday Season Ever!!!!!!
We just finished the biggest professional football game of the year, The Super Bowl. Or as i like to call it the Holiday closer!!!! I love the Holidays......for me the Holidays start from October 26th which of course is my birthday and runs right through until Valentines Day. Sometimes Valentines Day held less of an importance so The Super Bowl ended it off for me (not the case now, as V-day is muy importande to ya sug). This holiday season was one of the greatest of my life. Everything i could have asked for and wanted to do i did.
I work Two Jobs so i had two Holiday parties, one on the 7th and one on the 13th. They weren't necessarily great but i do enjoy getting together with people outside of the office atmosphere and spending time and spreading our holiday cheer. One of my secret Santa gifts was a floor mat from a cool chick from work we call slash that says fo shizzle welcome to our hizzle. If you know me then you know why that's cool, its just a reflection of who i am.
We Also had a Holiday Dinner at Casa De Donovan where a group of us friends exchange our stocking presents and have a big Holiday feast. This year was especially great because we were able to include my fiancee Carrie "SUG" Chavez and my cousin Katie and her lil Baby Zoey and reintroduce my main man Silky Smooth Steve got back in the mix. The feast was wonderful, it was a team effort and we do a pretty good job of making a real meal with turkey and stuffing and whole shabang. Some of the memorable things from the year were my "why do men have nipples book", the obligatory hot fireman calendar, and of course Talladega nights was the DVD of choice.....We even had a chance to do a little something special for Katie, because we love her and thought she deserved it. All of those people Nate, Jayna, Steve, Katie, Zoey, Tiffy, and Sug regardless of blood or not are my FAMILY and i love them.
We just finished the biggest professional football game of the year, The Super Bowl. Or as i like to call it the Holiday closer!!!! I love the Holidays......for me the Holidays start from October 26th which of course is my birthday and runs right through until Valentines Day. Sometimes Valentines Day held less of an importance so The Super Bowl ended it off for me (not the case now, as V-day is muy importande to ya sug). This holiday season was one of the greatest of my life. Everything i could have asked for and wanted to do i did.
This years holiday season began Dec 2nd in Sacramento as i got invited to my sisters work Christmas party, and it was absolutely wonderful......Good People like Spiffy, Vdiddy, CROVER, Patty (who did tell me i am fine, true, Aunt Linda, Timmy and Wife, and even a super smashed lady screaming for wine......LITERALLY......"WINE...WINE...." and guess what it came......strangest thing i have ever seen. Usually when people get to that point, people are like "OK you have had enough......lets trick her with water" Nope not that night, the waiter came and said "WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE THIS I.V. OF GRAPES!" I played Monte Carlo games with Vern, who alongside Linda are two of the coolest people i have ever known. I drank some BREW-SKIS, even met a guy who met a girl on E-harmony and called her his E HOE! (classic). Heard about a Brian McKnight concert, which reminded me that some people who can sing have an unfair advantage over us BILLY IDOL KARAOKE stars. This Party was great and i hope i can warrant another invite over the years, because i can understand why my sister loves her job, she works with great cats...(that means people in Scott talk).
I work Two Jobs so i had two Holiday parties, one on the 7th and one on the 13th. They weren't necessarily great but i do enjoy getting together with people outside of the office atmosphere and spending time and spreading our holiday cheer. One of my secret Santa gifts was a floor mat from a cool chick from work we call slash that says fo shizzle welcome to our hizzle. If you know me then you know why that's cool, its just a reflection of who i am.
We Also had a Holiday Dinner at Casa De Donovan where a group of us friends exchange our stocking presents and have a big Holiday feast. This year was especially great because we were able to include my fiancee Carrie "SUG" Chavez and my cousin Katie and her lil Baby Zoey and reintroduce my main man Silky Smooth Steve got back in the mix. The feast was wonderful, it was a team effort and we do a pretty good job of making a real meal with turkey and stuffing and whole shabang. Some of the memorable things from the year were my "why do men have nipples book", the obligatory hot fireman calendar, and of course Talladega nights was the DVD of choice.....We even had a chance to do a little something special for Katie, because we love her and thought she deserved it. All of those people Nate, Jayna, Steve, Katie, Zoey, Tiffy, and Sug regardless of blood or not are my FAMILY and i love them.
What came next might have been the jewel of the season, don't get me wrong it was all great but i had heard how great Disneyland was at Christmas, but i truly never dreamed it could be that great. My Crew (tiff,steve,me) drove to LAX to pick up Bri and his new catch ( for it....yeah nice) and we went to Disneyland. It was by far one of the longest days in my life and it was without a doubt worth it. The decorations themselves would have been worth the price of admission (63, yowsers!!!). Trees and Bows and wreaths and Red and Green and Reindeer and Santa and everything you could possibly imagine. I am a firm believer that it is impossible to be in a bad mood at Disneyland. It just the feeling you get when you walk in those doors, the feeling of joy and being a kid who is overwhelmed.... rushes over you. I am 30 years old and i hope that i never lose that feeling when i go there, because its something that i eagerly look forward to. Then you throw in on top of the greatest place on earth(west of Vegas for the record) your favorite holiday and Disneyland is simply a cant miss. It was everything i hoped for and much much more, it took my holiday cheer to another level. I hope to go every year from now on and make it a tradition, it was that great.
I know what your thinking its been great enough but you wanna know the greatest part? I hadn't even gotten to Christmas yet!!! Not to mention exchanging gifts with my friends. I love Christmas because it is the one time of year that everyone seems to work together as a family and more importantly as human beings. Its the one time of the year that i don't worry about bills or certain responsibilities, i just worry about having a great time and feeling festive and genuinely sorry tiff had to do it.... EMBRACE THE SEASON.
To close out the 06 Holiday Season we had the Annual New Years Bash which happened to be in San Jose this year. A bit of a smaller shindig this year but a great time none the less. Brad and Kelly opened their doors and we had a wonderful holiday with some drinks some cards and oh yeah "Should Old Acquaintance be forgot, and new brought to mind!!!!!!!!!" Thank you very much to them.......DRINK UP AND BRING YOUR CRAZY HATS..........................DAS BOOT!!!!!!!!
January 07 was slower, just a couple holidays off from work, and my moms birthday which was awesome, a little cards, a little cake, a little super over priced expensive seafood that dad changed the restaurant to, thanks pop. Mom did get the presents she wanted so all is good in Mom-ville!!!!....... The super bowl was fun and exciting and we had great food, which is really all the super bowl party is for, unless the 49ers are playing. I just missed winning the football pool from Tiffy's work fricking Vinatieri!!!!! and Now today is Valentines day or as i like to call it, embrace the ones you love day!!!!! I just thought i would share great holiday season i had and also share my love for you peeps who i care to share this with......HAPPY LOVE DAY Y'ALL
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