Thursday, February 02, 2006



You might be thinking why does this guy call him that? He's not a boxer, or even a roided up wrestler. In response to that true, But Benji wasn't always "Real Deal". He started out as a guy in my communications class taught by a good man named Jim Prohs. He was the guy in my class who sat in front of me wearing the Yankee sandals. You see I am sarcastic, very sarcastic and I like to poke fun at others. I know its not that noble but its who I am. I don't poke fun at people to hurt their feelings but when stupid people do stupid things I like to share in their misfortunes with those who are like me........ Ben was like me.............I don't remember if we stated talking about baseball or if we started making fun of Chritina Monje, all I remember is every class I went to it seemed like he was in it. Long story short class talks turned into getting lunch talks and becoming good friends. I believe our association with the FMPers had something to do with it, not to mention the great Christi Gonzales.

Its funny to me because so many relationships serve their purpose and then die at some point after, but Ben and I have secured a life long friendship, and its one that I cherish. While we were still in school Ben talked of this Greta character, he sure did adore her, good thing he married her. But when I met her WOW..........What a sarcastic spitfire................She was everything Ben had raved about plus she was a smart Aleck. I even was lucky enough to get one of the hottest tickets in Stockton Ca one year. I got a ticket (invite) to their wedding, it was a beautiful service and essentially the entire city of Stockton rejoiced.
Now to answer the question where did Ben "Real Deal" Bruneel come from? Well Ben invited myself and my friend Lydell to play in a slo pitch softball league in Stockton. It was great fun and Ben named me the "the Hired Gun" so I felt it necessary to deem him Real in fact the Real Deal. Don't worry folks it didn't stop there, we proceeded to have way too much fun and yell out sportcenter quotes when we would hit home runs and have so much fun that sometimes others took it as arrogance.......Sorry, but it was fun.

Since then we have memories of Snapper Jacks and playing video game baseball in his Ventura abode, watching dinosaurs and getting ice cream in the place before that while Greta was at pepperdine. Lets not forget the always dangerous StormClipper we have memories on top of memories and since he has moved to Texas we still find a way to keep in touch not because we have to, but because we want to................Because he's real.......The Real Deal.........And that my friends is the BOTTOM LINE.