Thursday, March 09, 2006

Goodbye Kirby we will miss you.........

I love baseball, always have. It seems to me that baseball was greater as a child, i remember so much more and i suppose i was more impressionable. This week we lost one of my favorite players that i watched growing up. Kirby Puckett passed away from complications from a stroke. I heard alot of people talk about him this week, sports personalities and reporters and my personal friends. Some people talked about his legal troubles and how his memory has been tarnished. Some talked about his heroics in the world series and how he is a legend that will always remember.

While its true he had some legal issues and some domestic ones too, i dont think those things should ever interfere with what was accomplished on the field. Just like when Kobe is done with basketball i dont think people should talk about his violation of anglo saxon females in the rocky region, and that is hard for me to say because i HATE Kobe and i think he was or is guilty. Same goes for anyone who had off field troubles, because the key words are "off the field".

Kirby Puckett was one of the greats, he seemed to always be smiling and having a great time getting paid to play a game that he loved. On the field he seemed to embody everything that baseball players should be. He acted like little leaguers should, smile and dont throw your helmets and respect the game, because it was just that......a game. Even this picture shows what kind of player he was, it looks like he is a kid who just won a kickball game on the playground and he is waiting to get tackled by his grade schools friends. In this day and age where it seems every player is concerned with their next contract or their next commercial deal, it was great to have a player who seemed like he was content with playing the game, so as a true fan of baseball farewell Mr. Puckett your style and memory will not be least not by me.