I don't Understand
........I don't understand why the Barry Bonds thing is such a huge deal, its irritating to me not only as a Giants Fan, but a baseball fan. Do I think that Barry Bonds was doing something illegal......YES!!! Do I think it was hard core Needle in the arm steroids?.....I don't know......Do I care?..............NO.........We watch baseball because we love it.......At face value it truly is entertainment and I know that when I see guys hit 470 foot home runs I am ENTERTAINED....When I see Pitchers throwing 98 MPH with forearms bigger than Popeyes I am ENTERTAINED.......Here's another thing that I think gets left out in the Barry Bonds witch-hunt that is the so called "Chemical Era".........Technically Steroids weren't illegal in Baseball, and neither was HGH (human growth hormone). When they changed the rules Barry never tested positive, does it make whatever he did right? NO, was he the only one that did it? GOD NO.....I believe 70-80% of major leaguers were doing some kind of performance enhancing drugs during that era.................Why do I believe that? Well for a couple reasons
A. I think that when guys like Rich Aurilia and Mark Bellhorn and Renteria starting hitting 20-30 jacks a year and some of them opposite field bombs flying sometimes over 400 feet, players realized they better get on the train.........or get left in Pawtucket........
B. The biggest reason I think so many people were using is that when the steroid rules changed all of the sudden guys started hitting the Disabled List faster than I have ever seen.........hammys,tendinitis, everone had something and people weren't coming back fast either, players would be out over a month with pulled ligaments where before they wouldn't even go on the Dl...........
C. The third and final reason i think this is that not only did just about everyone in the Major shrink in size, I MEAN EVERYONE...........Pitchers are maxing out at 93,94 MPH now.......where are before these guys were 96,98ers.......and i agree that steroids would help pitchers more than batters yet only Barry Bonds is being persecuted....
The biggest problem I have with the whole situation is that THE OWNERS knew...........Every single one of them knew. After the 94 strike season, they had to get people in the seats...And they didn't care because they wanted their money. It was all fun and Games when Sammy and McGwire were chasing Roger Maris and America embraced them......You think people didn't know then? If you don't think so I have some nice Arctic property in Turlock with a frozen pond in the back I want to sell you real cheap.....
But now that Bonds is chasing one of the greatest records of all time, in any sport...........The hunt is on.....And I think that America should be sad and ashamed because just because Bonds is a pompous jerk, he is the best and people cant deal with it. Off steroids he was better than the others off steroids and when eveybody started cheating then he was better then them on steroids too, but America has to blame someone.....Despicable.......
For the record Barry Bonds will retire short of the big record so it wont matter in 6 months because he will be second so call down Idiot Jay Mariotti's of the world.........Listen to the brilliance of woody Paige for once in your life, applaud him for what he has done and realize the isn't going to catch Aaron so it doesn't matter........
I personally applaud Barry Bonds for hitting number 715, and he does deserve accolades, and respect, he is one of the greatest players to ever grace the ball field........I cant wait for him to retire because I don't know what baseball will do then, Maybe its Albert Pujols time to catch heat........Just appreciate while you can people!!!!!!!
hows that tiff? Ben, you asked you receive........And that my friends is the bottom line......